Chavez is Hitler?
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld made a statement recently where he likened Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to Adolf Hitler. The crucial paragraph is this:
“I mean, we’ve got Chavez in Venezuela with a lot of oil money,” Rumsfeld added. “He’s a person who was elected legally — just as Adolf Hitler was elected legally — and then consolidated power and now is, of course, working closely with Fidel Castro and Mr. Morales and others.”
Now, I could go on about the inflammatory rhetoric and lies about Chavez continually coming out of the Bush Administration. Or I could point out the similarities between Hitler and Rumsfeld’s own boss. Or that the last time the Bush Administration made inflammatory statements comparing contemporary politics to World War II they turned out to be very very wrong. But instead I’ll just say: the best comparison Rumsfeld can come up with between Chavez and Hitler is that they’ve both been legally elected?
Stop the presses, dictator is in da house!