“One Hour Until Iraqi Constitution Deadline”

That was the headline on Fox News about twenty minutes ago. Apparently the Iraqi Parlaiment has been holed up for weeks trying to approve a constitution.

BBC: Its 71 members met late into the night on Sunday to consider their progress.

The US and Britain fear that a delay might play in the hands of insurgent groups, which have intensified their attacks.

US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld flew to Baghdad last week to insist that the panel meet the original 15 August deadline.

So there they are, burning the midnight oil, cramming through this constitution like its some kind of college term paper. Our eager pupils of democracy, who’ll turn in their frantically prepared project at the last minute and wait nervously for their grade.

It sure feels good to be the professor, passing down grades in democratic structure, imposing deadlines and making sure our students stick to them. The thing is, when I stayed up all night on a term paper, I rarely got more than a B-minus on it. Is that really any way to write a constitution?

Edit: Oooh.. and they didn’t make it. And nobody gave them the extension. That’s gonna hurt their GPA.

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