Archive for July, 2006
Wednesday, July 19th, 2006
Looking through the archives over at the Comics Curmugeon, I found an article where he talked about the problems with Doonesbury’s handling of young people. His was quite a bit more insightful than the paragraph I recently wrote on the same subject.
The Curmudgeon is a great site that everybody should be checking out anyway. It’s like reading the comics page, except with real jokes. Take today’s edition, first he points out how poorly the Middle Eastern set Crock has coped with its setting being the center of world events. Until now, I thought that Beetle Bailey had the most oddly out of place setting, as Beetle loafed around in boot camp and none of his buddies ever got sent to Iraq. (Come to think of it, he did the same thing during Vietnam…)
Monday, July 17th, 2006For anybody that’s paying attention, today’s strip marks 50 since I relaunched the strip on May 29. In a few days, there’ll be 150 comics in the archive.
Thursday, July 13th, 2006Recently spent a few days in Yosemite National Park and thought I’d share a bit of the beauty…

Tuesday, July 4th, 2006
Iraqi authorities say that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s cell phone contained the numbers of several senior Iraqi officials. They include ministry employees and members of Parlaiment.
Bush’s baby Iraq government grew up and turned out to be corrupt. Who knew?
Tuesday, July 4th, 2006
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert:
“I have given instructions to intensify the strength of action by the army and security services, to hunt down these terrorists, those who send them… and those who harbour them,”
Ancient History
Sunday, July 2nd, 2006I unearthed these… classic Debt On strips from before I even put it on the web. I ended up cutting them from the first run because… well, they suck. Or they just didn’t fit into where I was going with the strip. Anyway, I present them here for the perusal of those brave enough to bear my artwork.

Daaaaamn! What other site is giving you this much comic for your Sunday?