Saturday, April 22nd, 2006
Gah – this is not what I signed up for. A few weeks ago I got my imac back from the shop for repairs – only it wasn’t fixed. Basically I couldn’t afford for any more repairs and the ones I did get were covered by an extended warranty. There’s more to it than that – but I’m not quite ready to point fingers.
Anyway I’m stuck fixing this myself, knee-deep in software updates and hardware checking and reinstalled operating systems. This fucking sucks. I really like making art on computers – but I really hate that they just fuck up on you.
The most frustrating thing about all this is I’m not really sure what causes my computer to crash or when it’s going to happen. I do know that it often, but not always, happens in Photoshop. Therefore, the best method to determine if my computer is working is to open Photoshop, start working, and wait for it to crash. After a month of being without this thing I start to really get into a groove, and then it crashes. Freezes completely.
Anyway, I’ve been up to some other stuff, too. Like pimping my comic at the Alternative Press Expo and harassing Keith Knight about it. Seriously, lots of nice people there, including Alexis E. Fajardo of Kid Beowulf and Brian Kolm of Atomic Bear Press. I saw some anarchist comics while I was there that were great, but anarchists apparently do not believe in web sites so I have no links. (I know this empirically to be untrue, as I consider myself an anarchist and do have a web site.) But anybody around here that hasn’t checked out the Mission Mini Comics should track some down.
Also, though I didn’t find out about them at the con but from my roommate, everybody check out Action Philosophers! whose newest comic, Action Philosophers Hate the French, is fucking hillarious.
Also, some discussion of my own artwork in this forum thread.
*takes shot*
Alright. I’m goin back in.
Man I really was planning on showing off some of my new comics after the DSL got fixed in my apartment. And I had some short stories I was working on, some funny photographs of stuff around my apartment… and then my computer broke.
Apparently the iMac I just bought had some kind of manufacturing defect in it that was making the capacitors on my motherboard blow up. Sweet. So that’s coming back to me in 10-14 days.
So that has ground the computer portion of my comics production to a screeching halt. Luckily, I never bought a tablet and still make my comics the old-fashioned way. I resolve today I will never switch to entirely computer-generated comics. My pens will never blow a capacitor.
Meanwhile, enjoy this site that has taken all the thought-baloons out of Garfield. The result? Jon is a poor, lonely man who takes all his anger and psychosis on his poor, confused cat.